Municipal and Communal Office of Staszów
tel.: 15 864 83 05
fax: 15 864 83 04

Local Revitalization Program conference

On Thursday, 20th of October, a conference summing up the realization of the "Development of Local Revitalization Program for Town and Municipality of Staszów" program was held at the Municipal Office's conference hall. Mayor of Staszów, Leszek Kopeć, was the conference's organizer. Among those invited were various company, institution and organization representatives and residents of Staszów.

The Local Revitalization Program for Town and Municipality of Staszów is a key document, upon which all future projects and development plans will be based. The Program also designates potential projects, which will cover all of town's needs in terms of revitalization and modernization. Developing this program enables the Municipality of Staszów to apply various external financial programs, both national and foreign, including the European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, Norwegian funds, Swiss Funds, government projects, Rural Areas Development Program and others. The Local Revitalization Program's realization cost 14 500,00 złoty; furthermore, Municipality of Staszów has received an additional grant of 13 050,00 złoty (90% qualified costs).

During the meeting, the project's goals, its main areas of activity, and potential methods of acquiring additional funds for various investments were presented and discussed. Those issues were presented by - among others - Piotr Pietruszka from "FreshBiz", the company which developed the Local Revitalization Program for Staszów.

Later during the conference, Mayor of Staszów Leszek Kopeć and the project's designers answered many questions from attendees. Those questions touched on the revitalization's direction and proposed investments in Staszów's urban space.

A special group that will oversee the whole process of realizing the Revitalization Program's goals has been established, with Deputy Mayor Ewa Kondek acting as the group's leader, and as the revitalization plenipotentiary. This group will congregate at least once per year, and their meeting's conclusions will then be presented during a Town Council session.

na zdjęciu uczestnicy konferencji

na zdjęciu Piotr Pietruszka prezentuje założenia Lokalnego Programu Rewitalizacji

na zdjęciu uczestnicy konferencji

na zdjęciu uczestnicy konferencji

na zdjęciu uczestnicy konferencji

na zdjęciu uczestnicy konferencji

na zdjęciu fragment prezentacji założeń LPR

na zdjęciu burmistrz Leszek Kopeć, zastępca Burmistrza Ewa Kondek i Piotr Pietruszka

na zdjęciu uczestnicy konferencji

na zdjęciu uczestnicy konferencji

na zdjęciu burmistrz Leszek Kopeć odpowiada na pytania uczestników konferencji

27-10-2016, Michał Mróz
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